Watch The Midnight Meat Train (2008) Full Movie
The photographer Leon lives with his girlfriend and waitress Maya waiting for a chance to get in the photo business. When Maya contacts their friend Jurgis, he schedules a meeting for Leon with the successful owner of arts gallery Susan Hoff; she analyzes Leon's work and asks him to improve the quality of his photos. During the night, the upset Leon decides to wander on the streets taking pictures with his camera, and he follows three punks down to the subway station; when the gang attacks a young woman, Leon defends her and the guys move on. On the next morning, Leon discovers that the woman is missing. He goes to the police station, but Detective Lynn Hadley does not give much attention to him and discredits his statement. Leon becomes obsessed to find what happened with the stranger and he watches the subway station. When he sees the elegant butcher Mahogany in the train, Leon believes he might be a murderer and stalks him everywhere, in the beginning of his journey to the darkness.
The most terrifying ride you'll ever take
Movie details The Midnight Meat Train
Release : 2008-08-07Genre : Crime, Drama, Horror, Mystery, Thriller
Runtime : 98 minutes
Company : GreeneStreet Films

Bradley Cooper | as | Bradley Cooper | |
Vinnie Jones | as | Mahogany | |
Brooke Shields | as | Susan Hoff | |
Leslie Bibb | as | Maya | |
Roger Bart | as | Jurgis |

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The Midnight Meat Train Wikipedia
The Midnight Meat Train ist ein Horrorfilm des japanischen Regisseurs Ryhei Kitamura. Grundlage ist die Novelle Der Mitternachts-Fleischzug von Clive Barker.
The Midnight Meat Train ist ein Horrorfilm des japanischen Regisseurs Ryhei Kitamura. Grundlage ist die Novelle Der Mitternachts-Fleischzug von Clive Barker.
The Midnight Meat Train - Own It On Blu-ray and DVD
Clive Barker: The Man Behind the Myth Anatomy of a Murder Scene Mahoganys Tale Audio Commentary with Clive Barker and Director Ryuhei Kitamura ...
Clive Barker: The Man Behind the Myth Anatomy of a Murder Scene Mahoganys Tale Audio Commentary with Clive Barker and Director Ryuhei Kitamura ...
Clive Barkers Midnight Meat Train - Mitternachtsfleischzug ...
Clive Barkers Midnight Meat Train - Mitternachtsfleischzug, Ein Film von Ryhei Kitamura mit Bradley Cooper, Vinnie Jones. bersicht und Filmkritik. Den ...
Clive Barkers Midnight Meat Train - Mitternachtsfleischzug, Ein Film von Ryhei Kitamura mit Bradley Cooper, Vinnie Jones. bersicht und Filmkritik. Den ... The Midnight Meat Train - Filme & TV
Clive Barker Box UNCUT - 2 Horror-Highlights in einer Box: Book of Blood + Dread (2 Blu-rays) ~ Jackson Rathbone, Hanne Steen, Jonas Armstrong und Sophie Ward (Blu ...
Clive Barker Box UNCUT - 2 Horror-Highlights in einer Box: Book of Blood + Dread (2 Blu-rays) ~ Jackson Rathbone, Hanne Steen, Jonas Armstrong und Sophie Ward (Blu ...
The Midnight Meat Train - Film (2008) |
The Midnight Meat Train von Ryuhei Kitamura - mit Vinnie Jones, Roger Bart - Immer wieder verschwinden Menschen in der nchtlichen U-Bahn. Und Fotograf Leon (Bradley ...
The Midnight Meat Train von Ryuhei Kitamura - mit Vinnie Jones, Roger Bart - Immer wieder verschwinden Menschen in der nchtlichen U-Bahn. Und Fotograf Leon (Bradley ...
The Midnight Meat Train Filmkritik
Als 1984 Clive Barkers Bcher des Blutes erschienen, verlor der bis dato oft streichelweiche Horror seine Unschuld. Wie ein Tornado
Als 1984 Clive Barkers Bcher des Blutes erschienen, verlor der bis dato oft streichelweiche Horror seine Unschuld. Wie ein Tornado
The Midnight Meat Train (2008) - IMDb
Directed by Ryhei Kitamura. With Vinnie Jones, Bradley Cooper, Leslie Bibb, Brooke Shields. A New York photographer hunts down a serial killer.
Directed by Ryhei Kitamura. With Vinnie Jones, Bradley Cooper, Leslie Bibb, Brooke Shields. A New York photographer hunts down a serial killer.
The Midnight Meat Train - Film, Kino, DVD
The Midnight Meat Train ist die Verfilmung einer Kurzgeschichte der Clive Barker Horror-Serie. Einen besonders kultigen Mix verspricht das Ensemble mit dem ...
The Midnight Meat Train ist die Verfilmung einer Kurzgeschichte der Clive Barker Horror-Serie. Einen besonders kultigen Mix verspricht das Ensemble mit dem ...
The Midnight Meat Train (OV) -
The Midnight Meat Train (OV). Clive Barkers Midnight Meat Train - Mitternachtsfleischzug, einem Film von Ryhei Kitamura mit Bradley Cooper, Vinnie Jones. Finde ...
The Midnight Meat Train (OV). Clive Barkers Midnight Meat Train - Mitternachtsfleischzug, einem Film von Ryhei Kitamura mit Bradley Cooper, Vinnie Jones. Finde ...
The Midnight Meat Train - Trailer - YouTube
The directors cut of Clive Barker's 'The Midnight Meat Train' Starring Bradley Cooper and Vinnie Jones premieres on FEARnet on demand and on line September ...
The directors cut of Clive Barker's 'The Midnight Meat Train' Starring Bradley Cooper and Vinnie Jones premieres on FEARnet on demand and on line September ...