Watch Truth or Dare (2012) Full Movie
A group of college friends celebrate the end of term with a party to end all parties. During a drink and drug-fuelled evening, an innocent game of Truth or Dare has a very sore loser, sparking a terrifying sequence of events and a whole new twist on the game of truth or dare where the truth can kill you.
Truth or Die
Movie details Truth or Dare
Release : 2012-08-06Genre : Horror, Thriller
Runtime : 95 minutes
Company :

Liam Boyle | as | Paul | |
Jack Gordon | as | Chris | |
Florence Hall | as | Gemma | |
David Oakes | as | Justin | |
Jennie Jacques | as | Eleanor | |
Tom Kane | as | Felix | |
Jason Maza | as | Jonesy | |
David Sterne | as | Woodbridge | |
Alexander Vlahos | as | Luke |

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truth-or-dare / Markus Alexander Voigt Photography
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Truth or Dare - Film 2012 -
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Truth or Dare, Ein Film von Robert Heath mit David Oakes, Tom Kane. bersicht und Filmkritik. Eine Gruppe von Teenagern schmeit eine Party mit reichlich Alkohol.
Madonna Truth or Dare
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Truth or Dare | It's not just a game anymore.
Pre-order your copy of Truth or Dare today for $25! Youll also get a signed poster or picture from the film. Click on the link below to find out more information:
Pre-order your copy of Truth or Dare today for $25! Youll also get a signed poster or picture from the film. Click on the link below to find out more information: